About the Wayfaring Parkers

We met on the school bus in 1997 and have been going places together since then. Our passion for travel has only increased, and we find ourselves getting antsy if we go a few months without seeing something new. Some have labeled us DINK (Dual Income, No Kids) millennials, but we’ll take it. We love the life we’ve built and the things that we’ve seen since our early high-school-sweetheart status days. We’re always up for an adventure, and we relish in the history and culture of new places.

While we wish we were full-time travelers, we both have day jobs that allow us to get to the next destination on our travel bucket list. Tim is an accountant and Lauren is an instructional designer—far less exciting and glamorous than our extracurriculars, but those jobs fund the dreams. We’re also very active in our community and enjoy sprucing up our 1888 Victorian cottage just blocks from one of the most quaint little Midwestern towns we’ve seen. Biking, hiking, and kayaking are all activities we can do in our backyard, so every day can be an adventure for us.

We might not be able to put you in our suitcases, but we can share our experiences traveling here, there, and everywhere through this blog. Every day and every journey is an opportunity for adventure. We’re looking forward to sharing them with you!

Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram and Twitter so you don’t miss out on a single sight!

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